Banja Luka

Banja Luka

Area: 1,239 km2

Population: 200,000

Attractions: Kastel Fortress, Vrbas River, Krupa on Vrbas, Tijesno Canyon, Zvečajska Rock, Natural Stone Bridge, Ferhadija, Temple of Christ the Savior, Banj Brdo, Vrućica Beach Baths.

In the lower reaches of the river Vrbas, the town of Banja Luka was erected at the place where this wild, mountainous river enters the plains from its gorge. It is located in the northwestern part of BiH, with an area of ​​1.239 km2, and the city itself extends to about 150 km2 with a population of about 200 thousand inhabitants. Due to the large number of green spaces, ie parks and alleys, Banja Luka is also called the city of greenery.

Banja Luka is the second largest city in BiH, and is the university, economic, financial, political and administrative center of Republika Srpska. The name of the town derives from the old adjective “banj” – ban – lord, and the noun “port”, which means plain, that is, it could be said that the name Banja Luka comes from the compound “Banova plain” or “Lord’s Plain”.

10/27/1969. the time for Banja Luka stopped. The city was hit by a severe earthquake of 8 ° Merkali scale / 6 ° Richter, which devastated the city. It took 15 lives and thousands of people were seriously and easily injured.

After that, the accelerated reconstruction and rehabilitation of devastated buildings begins, the urban infrastructure is restored and rapid urbanization begins. Banja Luka gets its distinctive look.

Notable events: Summer at Vrbas, Fest Theater, Modafest, Đurđevdan Children’s Song Festival, First Applause, Children’s Theater Festival, Banja Luka Summer Festival, etc.

Top Attractions

Banja Luka, BiH

Kastel Fortress

Kastel Fortress

In the past, the Kastel Fort was the first line of defense of the city, as a strong military stronghold, thus protecting that part of the Vrbas stream and the rest of the city…

Krupa on Vrbas

Krupa on Vrbas

If you are planning to visit Banja Luka or the surrounding region then “Krupa na Vrbasu” is an unavoidable destination for you. This place offers you a great opportunity for an excursion in nature…



The River Vrbas is one of the few rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina that carries a male name. It is assumed that the name was given by a white willow which is widespread in the lower regions of the river…

Pliva River

Pliva River

The River Vrbas is one of the few rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina that carries a male name. It is assumed that the name was given by a white willow which is widespread in the lower regions of the river…

Lake Djol

Lake Djol

At 8 kilometres from the centre of Šipovo, and 3 km from Jezera towards Jajce, in the village Ljoljići, there is Lake Djol. It is made up of Big and Small Djol, which are about 300 meters away from each other…


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